Terminal Whispering
01:15 PM - 02:10 PM on August 15, 2015, Room 705Thomas Ballinger
- Audience level:
- intermediate
- Watch:
- http://youtu.be/rSnMoClPH2E
The terminal emulators we run so many of our programming tools in are more powerful than we remember to give them credit for, and the key to that power is understanding the interface. This talk will cover terminal colors and styles, writing to arbitrary portions of the screen, handling signals from the terminal, determining the terminal's dimensions and scrollback buffer behavior.
The terminal emulators we run so many of our programming tools in are more powerful than we remember to give them credit for, and the key to that power is understanding the interface. This talk will cover terminal colors and styles, writing to arbitrary portions of the screen, handling signals from the terminal, determining the terminal's dimensions and scrollback buffer behavior.
Terminal programming can get hairy; along the way we'll deal with encoding issues, consider cross platform concerns, acknowledge 4 decades' worth of standards for terminal communication, and consider that humans at interactive terminals may not be the only users of our interfaces. By gaining an understanding of these issues, we'll be able choose from the abstractions over them offered by Python libraries Urwid, Blessings, and Python Prompt Toolkit.