Talk Schedule

August 15, 2015

Room 701 Room 702 Room 704 Room 705 Room 711
08:00 AM


09:00 AM Contributors, Colleagues, Clients & Customers: Sustaining Open Source Communities (Keynote) Nick Coghlan
10:00 AM Docker containers in the cloud: Provider Deathmatch Jeff Uthaichai Teaching Python in Middle School Meg Winston Ray PyLLVM: A compiler from Python to LLVM-IR Anna Herlihy The Yosai Project: Security Management for Any Application Darin Gordon
10:30 AM Hack the Derivative Erik Taubeneck Connecting color and language Dean Hillan Development with Vim and Python Jerry Meeker
11:00 AM


11:15 AM Name Things Once Jack Diederich Building tools for Social good Eric Schles Building a Real-Time Analytics Service with InfluxDB Jeremiah Malina A Tour of the Asynchronous Web Peter Herndon
11:45 AM Generic Programming for Agent-Based Modeling Gene Callahan Writing Winforms and WPF applications in Python Maksim Kozyarchuk
12:15 PM


01:15 PM What Can I Do With "Deep Learning"? Kyle Kastner Hacking with python for dummies. (Ms-067 implementation) Yam Peleg Building a data processing pipeline in Python Joe Cabrera Terminal Whispering Thomas Ballinger Python As A Language James Powell
01:45 PM Garbage Collection in CPython Andrée Monette Why doesn’t anyone use my library? James Robert The Graph To My Hearduino Paul Logston
02:15 PM


02:30 PM Sharding Data for Fun & Profit Wes Chow Scaling Graph Computations with Online Algorithms Andrew Kelleher Building Cross-Platform Native Desktop Applications with PyQt Adrian Heilbut Introduction to the Pygame Library Piper Thunstrom
03:30 PM Using Graphs for High Quality Recommendations amit bhattacharyya The New Basic App: Complex Data Aggregation in Flask Jarret Petrillo Time to Rhyme: The CMU Pronouncing Dictionary and You Allison Parrish Modeling an Arithmetic Logic Unit in Python Joseph Mosby
04:40 PM


Lightning talk speakers & talk titles

Thomas Caswell - Cycler

Andreus Muelk - wordcloud

Christine Doig - Conda for Data Science

Kyle Kastner - Deep learning, sklearn-theano

Rachel Rakov - Can we synthesize sarcastic speech using Twitter?

Nick Coghlan - Async IO at the REPL

Vipin - PyGridtools

Adam Kelleher - large scale graph vis

Tom Ballinger - rlundo: undo in any interpreter

Ryan Anguiano - Monolith to Microservices

August 16, 2015

Room 701 Room 702 Room 704 Room 705
08:30 AM


09:00 AM Python, Inc. Jessica McKellar
10:00 AM introduction to open and collaborative data analysis with pandas and IPython/Jupyter Notebook Melissa Lewis How reviewing code makes me a better programmer! Amy Hanlon Using Networkx to Explore Pathfinding MaxBezahler Scraping (some of) the NYPL Catalog: a story of Requests and BeautifulSoup Susan Steinman
10:30 AM Introduction to Meteor Christie Ewen Foreign Function Interfaces for Web Developers Tristan Fisher
11:00 AM


11:15 AM Untangling Twisted: How We Scaled a Python Service for Online Publishers Brian Muller State of the library: matplotlib Thomas A Caswell One, two, buckle your shoe Kat Chuang Metaclasses and Decorators in the Wild: Ingesting Data With FeedEater Silas Ray
11:45 AM An Iterative Approach to Inverse Problems using Python's Numpy Katya Vasilaky Introduction to pysparkling Sven Kreiss Python Not Recommended Adam Forsyth
12:15 PM


01:15 PM Voice programming: a how-to Evan Fredericksen What's up with th@? Adding an Operator to CPython John Hergenroeder Collecting and Organizing Boiler Data From Various Online Databases Steve Slotterback

PyLadies Session

01:45 PM Using Python for Sarcasm Detection in Speech Rachel Rakov Intro to Building Data Pipelines in Python with Luigi Adrian Cruz Pyxley: Easy Web Applications with Flask and React.js Nick Kridler Improving Your Flask APIs Thomas Peterson
02:15 PM


02:30 PM Going parallel and larger-than-memory with graphs Blake Griffith SQLAlchemy ORM for Beginners Jason Myers Think of the Children: A methodology for measuring the effectiveness of adaptive learning applications Hillary Green-Lerman Dev Environments: The Next Generation Travis Thieman
03:00 PM What the FORTRAN is ** Doing in Python ? en zyme
03:30 PM Acceptance Test Driven Development Jessica Ingrassellino Introduction to HTTPS: A Comedy of Errors Ashwini Oruganti Introduction to Topic Modeling in Python Christine Doig Large scale non-linear learning on a single CPU Andreas Mueller
04:00 PM How Do Python Coroutines Work? A. Jesse Jiryu Davis The Python Datamodel: When and how to write objects Aaron Hall
04:45 PM Mr. CKAN Goes to Washington Marianne Bellotti